
Nathan Baker, Christina Fischer, Dana Engfer, Marie Greffrath, Gwendolyn Kerber, Eric Legris, Alexandra Schumacher and Julian Weber

May 13 - June 18, 2011

Schalter is pleased to announce Penultimate, a group exhibition featuring photography, sculpture, installation, drawing, montage and painting. All the artists participating in Penultimate currently live in Berlin; however they originate from locations across Europe and the United States and represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and aesthetics.

Penultimate is a conversation. All of the work, or near to it, has been installed on one wall. Penultimate takes place between the installation of the exhibition and the individual pieces that compose it, amongst the pieces themselves, and finally, within an awareness of Schalter itself and opportunities and risks afforded by its model of existence. It should be fun.
